현대는 스포츠시대이며 생활체육에 대한 세계무술인들 의 열기가 고조됨은 퍽 고무적인 현상이 아닐 수 없다. 태권도등 전 세계 각국의 각종무술이 일찍이 자기방어 수단인 호신술에서 출발하여 다섯 살부터 여든 살까지 즐겨 몸과 마음을 강인하게 연마하는 무술로서 오늘날 국제스포츠로 발전하고 있습니다.
세계통합무술연맹 대표 진종호 총재는 1954년부터 기공을 기반으로 무술에 입문하여 태권도수련 및, 천지기공 창시, 화랑검술을 창설 하였으며,
세계통합무술연맹 대표 진종호 총재는 1954년부터 기공을 기반으로 무술에 입문하여 태권도수련 및, 천지기공 창시, 화랑검술을 창설 하였으며,
1966년 ITF 국제태권도연맹 창설멤버로서 파월태권도 교관단 교관, 공군사관학교 태권도사범을 역임 1972년 WTF 세계태권도연맹 에 영입된,
태권도의 1세대 지도자로서, 각종무술의 기본동작을 정립하여 댄스스포츠에 융합한 무술댄스를 창안하여 “새로 태어난 무술” 로 명명하기도 하였습니다.
세계통합무술연맹 창설자인 진종호 총재는 인류의 건강증진에 앞장서는 의지를 밝히면서 세계평화와 인류화합에 크게 공헌 한다는 각오를 높이 평가하며 세계통합무술연맹의 무한한 발전이 있기를 격려합니다.
2014년 3월 3일
KUKKIWON 국기원설립 원장
WTA 세계태권도연맹 창설 총재
IOC국제올림픽위원회 수석부위원장 김 운 용
IOC국제올림픽위원회 수석부위원장 김 운 용
The present age is the age of sports, and it is a very encouraging phenomenon that the world's martial arts people have a growing enthusiasm for physical education. Various martial arts from around the world, such as Taekwondo, started out as a means of self-defense in the early days of self-defense.
World All(Unified) Martial Federation President Chin Jong-ho entered martial arts based on qigong in 1954 and established taekwondo training, the establishment of Cheonji Qigong, and Hwarang swordsmanship. Recruited by the Korea Taekwondo Association in 1972, as the first generation leader of modern Taekwondo, he established the basic moves of various martial arts and created a martial art dance that was fused with dance sports, and named it “Re Birth of Martial Arts”.
President Chin Jong-ho, the founder of the World Unified Martial Arts Federation, expresses his will to take the lead in promoting human health, highly appreciating his determination to greatly contribute to world peace and human harmony, and encourages the infinite development of the World All Martial Federation.
March 3, 2014
WTA World Taekwondo Federation Founding President
IOC International Olympic Committee
Senior Vice Chairman DR. Kim Un-yong
World All(Unified) Martial Federation President Chin Jong-ho entered martial arts based on qigong in 1954 and established taekwondo training, the establishment of Cheonji Qigong, and Hwarang swordsmanship. Recruited by the Korea Taekwondo Association in 1972, as the first generation leader of modern Taekwondo, he established the basic moves of various martial arts and created a martial art dance that was fused with dance sports, and named it “Re Birth of Martial Arts”.
President Chin Jong-ho, the founder of the World Unified Martial Arts Federation, expresses his will to take the lead in promoting human health, highly appreciating his determination to greatly contribute to world peace and human harmony, and encourages the infinite development of the World All Martial Federation.
March 3, 2014
WTA World Taekwondo Federation Founding President
IOC International Olympic Committee
Senior Vice Chairman DR. Kim Un-yong